Friday, October 3, 2008

Are you kidding me?

I totally disagree with David Brooks. Mr. Brooks, whose column has appeared on the Op-Ed page of The New York Times since September 2003, seems like a very thoughtful, reasonable man, with the type of writing style that bespeaks good judgment and much intelligence. Unfortunately, he has lost much of his balance on this comment. Brooks sounds too right-leaning and seems a bit biased. He has completely forgotten what office Governor Palin is running for.
If this is a rebound, our expectations of the scope and depth of knowledge, the ability to be articulate and the level of intelligence that we now accept in our potential leaders has sunk to new lows.
"There she was, resplendent in black, striding out like a power-walker, and greeting Joe Biden like an assertive salesman, first-naming him right off the bat.""She spoke with that calm, measured poise that marked her convention speech, not the panicked meanderings of her subsequent interviews."
"With a bemused smile and a never-ending flow of words, she laid out her place on the ticket — as the fearless neighbor for the heartland bemused by the idiocies of Washington."
Yes, Palin did better than she did with the CBS interviews, where she could not name A Supreme Court decision other than Roe v. Wade, and couldn't name a single newspaper or magazine. She was folksy and friendly and could give answers that all sounded “smart” by using her notes and memorized phrases. However, her answers all lacked of depth. Palin repeatly did not answer the questions and she spoke in generalities. She frequently mischaracterized her opponents’ policy ideas. The performance only showed that she does not have the knowledge and ability to deal with complex issue.
Check the poll responses on CNN and CBS. An overwhelming 87% of those polled by CNN felt that Biden was qualified to be President, but only 42% felt that way about Palin, and the CBS poll of undecided voters recorded similar results.
This debate is not about “Sarah Palin”. It is about our country! Our nation is on the verge of financial collapse. America deserves better. It is so clear that Palin is utterly unprepared for the office of Vice President.

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